Hiking Distance The cottonwood creek circuit is about 5.1 km.
Hiking Time It will take about 1.5 hours to hike the circuit.
Getting to Cottonwood Creek - Patricia Lake Circuit..
You will easily find the Cottonwood creek and Patricia Lake circuit trailhead by taking Connaught Drive to Cedar Avenue to the back of Jasper where the street name changes to Pyramid Avenue and then Pyramid Lake Road. Follow the sign towards Pyramid Lake and go 1.0 km to the Cottonwood Creek parking area on your left.The Cottonwood Creek - Patricia Lake Circuit Hike..

On the hike, go clockwise, turning right at each hiking trail junction. Near the end of the hike you will head left on trail #2 to Pyramid Lake Road. Cross the paved road, turning right and following trail #2 a short distance past a small brook, again crossing the road to reach the trailhead parking area.

Cottonwood Creek Hiking Trail Map